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Thursday 2 October 2014

Chapter 2: source of material

Hello everyone!

Source of material is one of the important parts in doing our assignment. For me the most important thing is, how we find it. How can we know the sources is

So today our lecture emphasized on how to find valid, reliable and credible information. In academic writing, these three criteria are important to ensure our work is genuine and acceptable. There are some strategies that we can apply in our work.

First: URL address
URL address is one of the most important parts in searching our sources. From the URL address we can know how reliable the information is. Some URL address that we familiar are ".gov" stands for government, ".edu" or ".ac" stand for education or academic and lastly ".com" stand for commercial. These types of URL address can be categories into two which are less reliable and more reliable. However, the reliability is depending on what purpose of the information we wish for. For example, we looking for academic purpose, we are suggested to rely on government or education site. The information provided can be trusted and these web sites are authorized to publish it. If we just looking for some common tips such as cooking tips, commercial site is recommended. Youtube, blog or discussion forum are the example of the commercial site that we can looking for.

Second: Content
After looking the URL address, the content of the web site should be emphasized. Common details that we should focus on are the author, audience and bias/prejudice. The author always symbolized the credibility, validity and reliability of the information. For example, their expert in certain field will increase trustworthy of people with the content of the web site. Title of Professor, Doctor example symbols of credibility, validity and reliability of the author. Audience is the group of people that the author focus on to read or used the content of the website. For example, Chemistry, Biology or Physics are content that focus on science people. Some website had provided sorting of content through this audience preferred. So it is easy for the audience to looking for their information materials. Bias or prejudice in the content also important which as a reader we have able to filter the content that contain bias or prejudice in their writings. It is because, bias and prejudice can cause credibility, validity and reliability of the source of materials vanished.

Third: Currency
Other than URL address and content, currency of the web site is important. The date publish, the updated info are example of the currency that we have emphasized on. Copyright also important because from that we know the reliability of the sources we used.

Hopefully from these strategies, we able to write a good assignment and it is really useful in future especially for us as a students.

So, lets practiced it!

"The words you speak today should be soft and tender,
because tomorrow you may have to eat them."
via AllahAlJalil

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