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Wednesday 29 October 2014

Life lesson from Kung Fu Panda 2

Hi everyone!

Actually this is my reflection for Academic Skill subject, but I found out that this story was really interesting. And yeah, I want to share it others :)
So, I wrote some life lesson that I got from Kung Fu Panda 2.

source from internet
            In short, this movie is told about journey of Po (a panda) and his friends in the journey against enemy, Lord Shen. Po also had some conflict which his father which is a goose. His father told that he was found Po in the vegetable basket behind his restaurant and raised him until now. Po really wants to know about his background and who is his parent. As he fights for justice and peace, little by little he remembers what the past happened to him. Lord Shen was the one who responsible separated him with his parent. Inner peace that had mention by his Master Shifu really helps him to remind his past memory. It is also was help him to win against Lord Shen.

            The journey of Po against his enemy was bringing many lessons in this movie. There are 6 life lessons that I can find which are the inner peace, teamwork, appreciate what we have, affection of others, past doesn't make who we are and life is the real teacher.

The inner peace is the difficult phase of peace that can be achieved. It is not like physically peace, but it is totally inside us. Like what was happen with Po which he only found it when he get real calmness, accept what happen in the past and appreciate what he have now. With that, he found his strength, confidence and happiness that brought to victory against his enemy. Contras with Lord Shen, even though he has powerful weapon and strong wolf, he frets inside. He was full of revenge, fear and greedy. It is caused he was defeated by Po.

Po was really lucky, he has a good friends. Even Po always not take serious in what he does, his friend always beside him. Tigress is the one who always patient with Po’s behaviour. Although Po always careless, clumsy and annoyed them, his friend always support him. It can be seen when his friend always worried about him when they at the Gongmen City. Po suddenly disappears and become a Dragon disguise in order to hide himself. When his friend found out Po in the dragon disguise and he was in danger, they quickly come to Po and together pass the danger (Wolves) to find the jail (which their mission). It is impossible for Po to do his own since he was alone in the dragon disguise. He cannot see clearly the road and the enemies, but with his friend they able to do it. It is possible for us to do thing own, but sometimes we don’t know where the danger come. It may saw by our friend. It is call team work. We are helping each other to achieve successful.

This movie also teaches me to appreciate what we have. We may imperfect, have weakness, lacking in certain things but we actually have others strength. Po was curious about his background, who was his parent where he come from and how he was adopted by Mr. Ping. Po sad when Mr. Ping told that he was found behind Mr. Ping’s restaurant, but he was raised by Mr. Ping with a bulk of love. It may doesn’t have by others even they have a real parents. Like Lord Shen, because of his greediness and revenge, we lost his parents even he had power. It is important for us to live our life with appreciation. Anything can be lost, but if we able to appreciate everything we have, each losing will become a good memory. Even Po lost his parents, now he has a good father, Mr. Ping.

            This movie show many sense of affection. Po has good friend, super-duper lovely father, great Shifu and love by all people around him. His friend always beside him in whatever situation he is. Always together in achieve their mission and task. Helping each other during battle and never leave each other alone. He also has great father who always care about him. Mr. Ping really worried when Po said he had to go for save the Master of Gongmen City, Thundering Rhino. He packed a food and necessary things for him. This is how Mr. Ping shows his affection toward his son. People around him really impressed with him and children really love him. Po also has a good sense with the children and it can be seen when he kiss the child that waited for him at his father’s restaurant. 

As stated by his father, “Oh, Po, your story may not have such a happy beginning, but look how it turned out. You got me, you got kung fu, and you got noodles! “. Past doesn’t make who we are, we are the responsible one to choose what we are. Even though he is just a clumsy and flustered panda at first but he has a big dream to become kung fu master. He chooses to be a great and finally he able to do it. In addition, he was adopted by a goose, left by his parent but it is not the end of his life. He is able to get a better life now with his foster father, friends and his Master Shifu. I think it is one of the great lessons from this movie. From this, we know that everybody have chance to be better, great and achieve what we want even we were not from a good family background.

Life is the real teacher. After what Po was facing, fear of losing his real parents, happiness that he get from his foster father and courage in facing the fear he finally able to found his inner peace. It may be able to learn through class or learning from formal teacher but through our own life. Even though we might facing many difficulties and fear, but we are able to taste the real strength, happiness and peaceful behind it. This lesson cannot get if we are not encounter it. After we had all those pain and hardship, we will know what the real happiness is. It was what life told us.

In conclusion, everything in our life is a great moment. It is depending on us how to manage it, to face it and to adapt it. If we have a positive thinking, everything will be a good for us. Maybe not now, but in the future.

"To get what you love, you must first be patient with what you hate"- Abu Hamid al-Ghazali

Saturday 18 October 2014

Paraphrase it please!

Salam and hello everyone!

We meet again after one week break for Eid Al-adha and mid semester break. I’m sure that everybody has own plan and activities during the holidays. Whatever it is, the important thing is we have a quality time with our family since almost of us are far away from our hometown. How I missed my home right now! huuuu T_T 

Unfortunately, now we are already in new week of semester so we have to continue our routine as a student. So, as usual, on Thursday we have ELC class and will learn new topic.

Paraphrase is an interesting topic we learnt in class today. Actually it is not a new thing especially for students but it is always take an easy.  What do you think why I said it is not a new thing?

Let me show an example, when you are watching a movie, when back home you are asked by your friend to retelling the story you watched. Then, you are paraphrase the story, change some of the words, change the sentence from the active to passive using your own word which brings the same meaning with the original one.For sure you did not told the exactly what the dialog right? That calls as PARAPHRASE! See, we are commonly used it without acknowledge it.

But in term of writing, there are several conditions for paraphrase we should know for it considered as acceptable and legitimate. What it is? There are three conditions to fulfill first which are:

1) Have the same meaning: it is mean that the important ideas are included, no addition of new idea and the original intention and tone not altered.

2) Use own word: it means that change the sentence structured, change the vocabulary, do not copy original word more than five words and not copy distinctive vocabulary.

3) Cite the original source: all the information should acknowledge and cited.

So, when all the above criteria is fulfill then the paraphrase can be accepted and legitimate. If not, it can consider as plagiarism.
Hmm, but then it is an easy to paraphrase an article, journal right? That’s why in this class we also learnt some techniques or method of paraphrasing. Basically there are three methods which are Grammar Help Method, Retelling Method and Chunking Method.

Grammar Help Method
The basic method is Grammar Help Method which we commonly used it. We can paraphrase using this method by using synonyms to replace the words, using negative to change the verb such as instead of remembered, we can use not forget, change sentence structure from active to passive or vice versa, using noun, verb, adjective and adverb to change the part of speech, change the sentence structure by moving part of sentence and lastly using linker to combine the sentences and phrases.

Retelling Method
Retelling method is kind of method where we did not concern the original text but we pressed on the meaning. Which mean, we used our own word without depend on the original text.

Chunking Method
Chunking Method means break up the sentence into more manageable part for easier us understand and translate into our own word. But we have considered certain term which it is not necessary to change it.

Hah! I hope with three methods above we will be able help us to paraphrase better than before. Most important thing is Practice Make Perfect. Let’s practice!

"Keep going you're almost there, and remember,
 the sun is most beautiful as it's going away."

Thursday 2 October 2014

Chapter 2: source of material

Hello everyone!

Source of material is one of the important parts in doing our assignment. For me the most important thing is, how we find it. How can we know the sources is

So today our lecture emphasized on how to find valid, reliable and credible information. In academic writing, these three criteria are important to ensure our work is genuine and acceptable. There are some strategies that we can apply in our work.

First: URL address
URL address is one of the most important parts in searching our sources. From the URL address we can know how reliable the information is. Some URL address that we familiar are ".gov" stands for government, ".edu" or ".ac" stand for education or academic and lastly ".com" stand for commercial. These types of URL address can be categories into two which are less reliable and more reliable. However, the reliability is depending on what purpose of the information we wish for. For example, we looking for academic purpose, we are suggested to rely on government or education site. The information provided can be trusted and these web sites are authorized to publish it. If we just looking for some common tips such as cooking tips, commercial site is recommended. Youtube, blog or discussion forum are the example of the commercial site that we can looking for.

Second: Content
After looking the URL address, the content of the web site should be emphasized. Common details that we should focus on are the author, audience and bias/prejudice. The author always symbolized the credibility, validity and reliability of the information. For example, their expert in certain field will increase trustworthy of people with the content of the web site. Title of Professor, Doctor example symbols of credibility, validity and reliability of the author. Audience is the group of people that the author focus on to read or used the content of the website. For example, Chemistry, Biology or Physics are content that focus on science people. Some website had provided sorting of content through this audience preferred. So it is easy for the audience to looking for their information materials. Bias or prejudice in the content also important which as a reader we have able to filter the content that contain bias or prejudice in their writings. It is because, bias and prejudice can cause credibility, validity and reliability of the source of materials vanished.

Third: Currency
Other than URL address and content, currency of the web site is important. The date publish, the updated info are example of the currency that we have emphasized on. Copyright also important because from that we know the reliability of the sources we used.

Hopefully from these strategies, we able to write a good assignment and it is really useful in future especially for us as a students.

So, lets practiced it!

"The words you speak today should be soft and tender,
because tomorrow you may have to eat them."
via AllahAlJalil