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Tuesday 2 December 2014

'Test' in test

After had learnt the entire syllabus, finally we end it with a test. The test is about the entire topic we cover start from paraphrasing, summarising, citing, synthesizing and write the essay.

We were provided with two articles from different sources. We need to write a new essay about the topic sentence given and use the idea from both articles to write it. All the information are given in the article but what we had to do is, find out, and use all the technique such as paraphrase, summarise, synthesise, using citation, to ensure that we were not copying or plagiarism others work.

We were given about 1 hour and 30 minutes to complete an essay. All the sources need to cite and put it in references part. The most challenging part in this test is, we had to memorise all type of references style since we do not know which one will be used as our article sources. Difference source have different style such as books, journal article, newspaper, magazine, all of this have its own style of writing the reference.

Basically, the article is talk about Genetic Modified Organism (GMO) that has been used in agriculture field to increase the profits and production. other that its help in provide better production, it is also give more advantages to the crop which is it is prove that more safe to consume and environmentally friendly rather than other product that did not used GMO technique. Research found other alternative for the plant to resist external intervention such as insect attack and climates change. This finding was helping farmer reduce their capital for buy pesticides and it help to reduce use of pesticides on crops. Indirectly, risk of eaten chemical food can be reduced and risk to the environment effect of chemical usage in pesticide can be minimized.

Honestly, I am a bit frustrated because I cannot do well in my test last week. Since it is already done, I just hope that all my effort for this semester will be rewarded. It may not this time, but maybe in next task. Let bygone be bygone.

“Keep going. You're almost there and remember, the sun is most beautiful as it's going away.” 
― Yasmin Mogahed, Reclaim Your Heart

write an essay

Hai and hello friends!
Today i want to share some knowledge that i get from Academic Skill class. Basically, we learnt same thing but in different ways. 

Since last week we learnt about how to write essay, so here some tips that I learnt. 

Basically, in essay writing it is important to have these three parts; introduction, body content and conclusion. For each part have another important points which are general statement and thesis statement in introductory paragraph, topic sentence, supporting details and concluding sentence in each body paragraph and summary of main points, restatement of thesis statement and concluding statements.

Writing an introductory part as simple and short can attract reader intention to read it. We can use any style of writing such as using situation or dialog related to the topic, using statistic or general information where it is give reader preview about the whole essay. The thesis statement is compulsory in introductory part which it is shall in complete sentences and it is prohibited to use question and thesis statement. This thesis statement will contain all the main idea for the essay.  It is good if we can write an interesting and catchy introduction.

In body part, it is containing our thesis statement that already state in introductory part. It will be our main idea. The main idea of the body part is not necessary to be at the first sentences, it may at any part. If we have more main idea stated in the thesis statement, it is mean that we will have more body paragraph. It is important to separate each of the main idea in the different paragraph to make in organized. Same paragraph have more than one main idea will cause lack of information for certain main idea or make the paragraph to long. It will cause reader felt bored to read it. Usually, we used five paragraph essays outline which three paragraphs for body and one for introduction and conclusion part. 
source from internet

To elaborate the main idea, supporting details is the sentences where it will give explanation more by provide examples, facts or description about the main idea. To make the body paragraph more organized, in sequence, we can use any transition marker such as nevertheless, accordingly, for example, next and many more. Lastly, complete it using concluding sentence at the end of each paragraph.

After state all the thesis statement in each body paragraph, conclude it in the conclusion part. Restate the thesis statement and we can put any suggestion, quotation relate with the topic as it gives a great impact to the reader. It should simple and short but concise. To show it is a conclusion paragraph, we can start with any discourse markers for conclusion such as in conclusion, in a nutshell, overall, in summary and to sum up. 

Knowledge is my companion, it is with me wherever I go. My heart is its container, not the bookshelf.
–Ali RA