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Friday 21 November 2014

synthesising those articles?

Hai and hello! 

We meet again and for sure for the new topic of lecture. 
This week we finally learnt the last chapter which is SYNTHESISING. 

What is synthesising?
Is it something important in our academic writing?
Is it familiar?

source from internet

At first, i feel unfamiliar with this word, but that is actually what we always do when doing our assignment. Usually we will find many sources of information for our assignment right? Then we will list out the similarities or the differences of each sources of information that we desired to. After get the all information, we will start doing our assignment. The process of collecting and combining the information from different sources is known as synthesising.

Generally synthesis is combination, a shortened version of several texts made into one written in own words. It draws on two or more sources and combines the ideas into a coherent whole.

In any academic writing, it is important to fulfil some requirement to ensure the writing is correct. In synthesis essay, atleast these four things might help to get the successful synthesis essay.

1. Read accurately and objectively,

2. See relations among different viewpoints,

3. Define a thesis based on these relations,

4. Support the thesis effectively.

From four things above, we able identify the idea for writing the synthesis essay. The idea can be developed and varied by several ways. Usually 3 methods below might help.

Thesis supported by examples: this method using common point of each sources and supports it with examples.

Comparison and contrast: we can draw our own conclusion based on the writer’s viewpoints after compare the similarities and differences.

Argument: we can collect all the opinion from the selected writers’ viewpoints to support our solid/strong point than compare or show the weakness of the others point that we feel are not valid.

By identifying the thesis statement of the essay, it will help us easier to develop the idea. From the thesis statement, we will know which method of that we would like to choose to develop our essay. It will guide us in identifying the point from our sources and easier us to construct the essay.
Synthesise is not that difficult to do, but there are some method and techniques that we should learnt and practice. Those method and technique will guide us to get correct synthesise essay and easier our work.
This class really helping me in improving my writing and enhancing my knowledge about writing.

The first step in knowledge is to listen, then to be quiet and attentive, then to preserve it, then to put it into practice and then to spread it.
 -Sufyan Ibn ’Uyainah, rahimahullah, [Reported in Hilyah Al-Awliya Vol.3 p.283]-

Sunday 16 November 2014

Amazing Summarising!

Hello everyone!

Today our class has a new chapter which is summarySummary can be defined as condensation or shortened version of a text. Summary usually used for summarize, simply or short the text. It is helping us to get the information directly rather than need to read in detailed. From the text given, we need to identify necessary and important information to construct a summary. In summary should include the main points and the major supporting details of the whole text. It is important to exclude any opinions, background knowledge and personal information in the summary. If we include any one of it, our summary considered poor summary writing since the objective of writing summary to give important point of the original text.

Before this we already learnt about paraphrase right? Basically, summary might look like a paraphrase but there are the different between them.

source form internet

In summary, there two types of summary we can used which are 
1) one sentence summary: commonly used in academic writing where more concern about thesis statement of the author’s idea and 
2) informative summary: consist of author’s main ideas, main supporting details, data and arguments where more longer.

In writing, we should know how to get the maximum mark or have a good writing. Writing summary also has its own characteristic to have a good summary. There are four characteristics of summary that I’d learnt in the class.

FIRST: proper citation
  •   State the title, author and source of the text

SECOND: main ideas
  •   Clearly stated the thesis statement
  • Exclude the additional personal opinions, views and judgement except key ideas from author
  •   Exclude the examples, illustrations, descriptions and detailed explanations

THIRD: paraphrase
  •  Rewrite using own words and sentence structure of author’s ideas
  •  Ensure did not unchanged the original ideas of author when paraphrase

FOURTH: length
  •   Should shorter than given text
  •   Depends on summarise attention either for one-sentence summary or informative summary

That’s all about the topic this week, hopefully for better writing in future we are able to apply it in our writing. The most important thing is we are able to write better than before and able to write in proper, appropriate and improve our writing skills. 

"The capacity to learn is gift; the ability to learn is a skill; the willingness to learn is a choice."

Friday 7 November 2014

Documenting Evidence

hai everyone!

We meet again this week. Almost 2 week we have not a class due to some event in our faculty. This week we continue with documenting evidence. What it is? Is it really important for us? Yes, it is really important. It is really important especially for students and those who like doing a research or report. 

Basically, documenting refer to sources that we used for our writing where we acknowledge them. Documenting can occur in two ways which citation and references.
Citation we can found in the text that we wrote while references usually located at the back of the report or paper. References appear more information rather than citation.

Oh ya, before we continue about citation and references, there are several type of style in writing citation and references and the commonly use is APA style (American Psychological Association). And yes, we currently use it.

Citation usually involve in the text of the paper. Which means we show the information that we wrote are from the others idea. Citation usually contain name of author and the year of the source published. An example of citation is

According to Crystal (1985),………………………………………..
………………………………………. (Cohen, 1996).

Citation can be either at the beginning or at the end of the sentences and it can be written as above.
While for references, it is the information that enables reader to find the sources we use. It is consist of all the citation information that we had use in our writing. Besides references, we also use bibliography as the information collection at the end of our paper. There is some different between references and bibliography which is references consist all of the citation we had use or stated in our writing but bibliography consist of all the information obtained either from proper or non-proper sources such blog. All the information is stated in the bibliography eventhough we did not use it as our citation in our paper. It is considered as all the material we used in our writing.

There are different in citing style for each type of sources we used. Books, journal, newspaper, websites or any others sources have its own style in writing it. Below is the example of writing the references and citation for different type of sources.

Both source from  internet

After learning it, we should able to use it in our assignment and it is important for thesis writing. I hope that we able to practice it and expert and more familiar with it.

See you again later with new lesson. Bye!

“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.” – Rumi